
Posted: December 27, 2010 in Uncategorized

1. I’ve come to realise that my butt: along with the rest of my body, though could use some minor ‘enhancements’, is simply perfect the way it is.

2. I’ve come to realise that when I talk: I lose myself, and I’m far better at writing when explaining something.

3. I’ve come to realise that if I love someone: I shouldn’t allow any other standards but mine to define how I should express it.

4. I’ve come to realise that I need: to assert myself more in demanding what I deserve versus what I actually get or settle for.

5. I’ve come to realise that I’ve lost: touch with almost everyone from my old Manila life but I miss all of them nonetheless.

6. I’ve come to realise that I hate it when: people start acting like unfeeling robots and worse, when those people expect me to act the same way.

7. I’ve come to realise that if I’m drunk: and I mean, totally drunk, I either get downright stupid or surprisingly coherent in talking about my feelings. Either way, I feel pathetic the morning after.

8. I’ve come to realise that money: and I have the love/hate relationship down pat. And yes, it is a fuckin necessity.

9. I’ve come to realise that my mother: is and always will be the most amazing woman I’d ever know.

10. I’ve come to realise that I’ll probably always be: crazy. And hooked on karaoke.

11. I’ve come to realise that I have a crush on: anyone who exudes intense passion.

12. I’ve come to realise that the last time I cried was: watching “Reality Bites” for the gazillionth time sometime within the previous week.

13. I’ve come to realise that my cell phone: will never replace actual face-to-face conversations and actual physical encounters.

14. I’ve come to realise that when I wake up in the morning: I’m on auto-pilot.

15. I’ve come to realise that before I go to sleep at night: background music is imperative.

16. I’ve come to realise that right now I am thinking about: getting my ducks in a row.

17. I’ve come to realise that babies: deserve the bestest of the best.

18. I’ve come to realise that when I get on facebook: it’s a sure-ball waste of time. Then again, time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted. I think John Lennon said that.

19. I’ve come to realise that today I will: just deal with it.

20. I’ve come to realise that tonight I will: sleep. Soundly.

21. I’ve come to realise that tomorrow I will: still be weird.

22. I’ve come to realise that I really want to: sing with rapture and dance like a dervish every chance I get.

23. I’ve come to realise relationships: are not meant to be dissected, just cherished and accepted.

24. I’ve come to realise love: is all we need.

25. I’ve come to realise my best guy friend: is my wonderwall.

26. I’ve come to realise my best girl friend/s: are my gems.

27. I’ve come to realise food: is always on my mind but rarely in my stomach.

28. I’ve come to realise that when I’m a girlfriend: I’m not just a passing ship.

29. I’ve come to realise girls and boys: are different. Not better or worse than the other… Just different.

30. I’ve come to realise over the summer: that where I am is exactly where I belong right now.

31. I’ve come to realise heartbreak: is a dog from hell but it’s not the end of the world.

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